Mojo Bag - Question

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Mojo Bag - Question
Post # 1
I recently bought a set of mojo bags from your online shop. One is an anti-hex bag and the other is a luck bag. On the instructions it says to use for 21 days and then bury it but I was hoping to make them a more permanent fixture. Could they be used for longer than the given time and would there be any methods necessary such as charging them in sunlight or would I need to buy more after use?
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Mojo bags traditionally are kept for over a year Mojo bags unlike spellbags cannot be seen or touched by anyone and must be fed weekly and kept for some say a week others a month on you touching your skin and the is put in a box where no one will see or disturb it and is kept fed woth the oil Mojo bags are like having a small spirit working for you
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Ps nop you cant charge it with the sun only with the oil it came with
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
Post # 4
Thankyou for the advice, that was very helpful. The bags didn't come with any oil however, and I'm not sure how you charge them with oil or what oil is needed. Could you tell me how to charge them with oil and which oil to use?
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

You may use the items you purchased from the shop in any manor you deem fit. If you feel would like to charge the items in any fashion you may. If you want to anoint them with oil you may. If you want to keep them but not stray far from the directions that the item came with, burry them in something you can keep with you such as a box of sand.

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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
Post # 6
Hi Kts, thanks! I do have some Florida, Kagna and orange blossom oils as it happens if they would be any good? With regard to the sand, do you mean that you can bury the bag in the sand as a way of restoring/recharging it for another use, if this is the case how long should the bag be used for in between charges and how would they need charging for?
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Mojo bags always come with oil if it didnt just feed it Rue Oil which is used to break crossed conditions and things of that nature and keep away hexes and things of that nature
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Re: Mojo Bag - Question
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8

You can use the bag as long as you want or what ever length of time feels right to you and you can leave it to charge as long as you want or feel you need to leave it charge. Typically I leave items to charge for at least 3 days . Some may only leave it for a day others longer the choice is really up to you. The only way to know for sure is to practice and see what happens.

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