Stop my partner cheating

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Stop my partner cheating
Post # 1
Hi I'm lookin for a easy spell to do I suspect my bf is cheating on me I dnt know how long or who it is he's seeing so lookin for a spell to help me. We broke up for about a year and a half got back together last August everything was fine till we moved into a new house in May with kids he been distant
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Re: Stop my partner cheating
By: / Novice
Post # 2

First of all, there aren't really "easy spells." Either way, you need to know what you are doing and have a solid understanding of spell casting before you do any spell.

Second of all, you don't know for a fact that he is cheating. You are assuming it, which will get you no where. Ask him why he's being distant, or blantantly ask him if he is cheating. You have to have an actual conversation with him to know what is going on. Sit down with him, and say what has been on your mind and ask him what's been on his mind. After that, you can figure out what to do.

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Re: Stop my partner cheating
Post # 3
I would recommend use a pendulum to get your answer or get your tarot read, i find the pendulum is best as it gives you a clear yes or no. best of luck its not nice to be cheated on. best to know what is going on.
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