black and white magic

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black and white magic
Post # 1
Do you have to pick one, or could you learn both?
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Re: black and white magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Magic is neither black nor white! People who use magic for a "bad" intent are said to be "black". If used for good,it is said to be "white". But the magic of itself has no colour.
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Re: black and white magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

It really depends on your moral code (if you have one) and if you choose to use those labels. You just have to realize that not everything fits neatly in categorization.

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Re: black and white magic
Post # 4
Thank you, it is just that one of the tips for newbs is to pick black or white.
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Re: black and white magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 5

It's best to get tips from multiple sources and then learn how it all sits with you. Eventually after being exposed to different forms of practice and belief, you'll develop your own understanding of things.

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Re: black and white magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6

To be honest, the idea of white magic/black magic is entirely a misnomer. Magic is simply a way of working with energies and it has no color. Think of it as being like electricity. Electricity can light your home and keep you warm in the winter. It can also be used to kill or to destroy. But we don't talk about "black electricity" or "white electricity". Electricity is just energy....same as magic is just energy. One uses the same techniques and energy for a variety of purposes. There is an old saying "A Witch who cannot hex cannot heal." What that saying is telling you is that the magic used to hex or to heal is basically the same thing. What matters is the use that you put it to.

In my own practices I don't use the term "black magic". I will speak of baneful magic which is magic that I consider is being done solely for the purpose of causing harm to another. That doesn't mean that I won't, if absolutely necessary, engage in something that might be considered baneful...for instance a binding. But I am always careful to think long and hard before I take action to be sure that there isn't some other way of accomplishing the same goal.

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Re: black and white magic
Post # 7
How to tell this... well I suppose that being direct and blunt is a best way for this question there is no white or black magic there is only magic, it is perfectly neutral what makes magic black or white are reasons and/or way(basically intention of a caster) someone used it.

For example a Healing magic is generally considered as White magic but its over use(and it would need to be a very SERIOUS overuse) can actually cause more than few complications with ones health and in that case it turns into Black magic.

Same can be said for some curses which are generally considered as Black magic can be used in a weaker version/form to potentially have beneficial effects and therefor can be considered a part of White magic.
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Re: black and white magic
Post # 8
It's as black or white as a flower or gun is
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Re: black and white magic
By: / Novice
Post # 9

"Black" and "White" when referred to magic are simply consepts that represent the intention of the one that uses it. It is really depended on the caster's energy for instance negative or positive.Magic has no color. I like to view it as a lifestyle, a practice and a belief system. For instance in your personal life it is not possible to be nice all the time. That's how it goes with magic there are alteration during your journy to achieving knowledge and finding out who you are or what you truly want for yourself. At least that's what my experience tells me.

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