Merry meet

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Merry meet
Post # 1
My path has been a long and clandestine one with many starts and stops along the way. Part Christain part pagan part shaman but always solitary. My first teacher was my mother who studied for a time with a Cherokee medicine man. One day the medicine was dark and strong so out of fear she stopped practicing almost 30 years ago. She will lend an ear and offer small suggestions. My other teachers have been simply reading herb lore and my own intuition given by the Goddess.
I first heard her voice when I was 16 and it scared me having been raised in the bible belt. She has remained though whispering through these past 28 years. Almost a year ago I picked up a paint brush for the first time and there she was in my very first painting and she has been strong in me since. Enlightening me and restoring my spirit. Teachers are extremely hard to find in my area. Coming out as a witch just simply would not be safe. The few I have found cost money which is not an option for me. So I am here to learn as much as I can from this community. And find a few kindred souls to talk to.
Blessed be
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Re: Merry meet
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Hello Rhiannon1122! Welcome to Spells of Magic! I hope you can find what you looking for. If you need help you can ask me or make more forums.
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Re: Merry meet
Post # 3
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I have spent all night reading different articles. I am so happy to find this space. I think i may have made an early error. I sent a couple of friend requests unintentionally. They still show pending and I am nit sure how to undo it. Being new I hope it did not offend anyone.
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Re: Merry meet
Post # 4
I do have a technical question. I'm not the best with these things (different generation ). When I upload a picture it always comes up sideways even though in my gallery on my tablet it is correct. Is there a way to fix that? I looked for a tool in editing but did not see one. And it bugs me.
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Re: Merry meet
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I'm not sure how to fix that. I never had that problem before. Sorry that I couldn't help.
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Re: Merry meet
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
Your welcome. Oh, if your just adding them, but your not talking to them, they wouldn't add as you as a friend, it doesn't say you have been ask to be with (name). If you start messaging people on careful. Some will say that they a something that isn't human, known as "fluffs".
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