Introducing myself

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Introducing myself
Post # 1
Hello, I'm Levisia.
I'm new to the world of magick, i've always been interested in herbalism, healing stones, knot magic, i enjoy helping others and making people happy. What got me interested in magick is the interest to find out more about nature, light, plants, and myself. I want to make strong bonds and strong connections. Another thing that got me interested is some weird gift i've had since i was little. I can always get a feeling when something is going to happen like i know it will happen but just cant place it. A thought will cross my mind like a passing question, then the question will be answered. After the event has happened I always blame myself because I knew it was going to happen, or i'd tell myself "why did i ask that question". Sometimes I try to stop myself from asking questions but it doesnt work they always get answered, feels like a curse sometimes.
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Re: Introducing myself
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Hello, Levisia. Welcome to magick and the site. I know how you feel about that, too. "Why didn't I move that glass? I knew it was going to be knocked over." kind of thing happens to me, too. Nature; definitely awesome! Herbs and plants; lovely creatures, aren't they? So much is out there if we just open up to see it.
I always send newbies to forums to get them started. In the General Info section of forums, you'll find Basics Expanded and Starting Out helpful.
Again, welcome to the site.
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Re: Introducing myself
Post # 3
Thank you very much
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