werewolf transformation

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werewolf transformation
Post # 1
i just did a werewolf spell and now im hungery and my head hurts, is that good or bad cause i am new to spells. help and guide me please.

Re: werewolf transformation
Post # 2
o. kk thank u.

Re: werewolf transformation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
As mentioned, real magick is energy and effects energy not instant physical unnatural changes. You are human, no spell will change this. This could be a placebo effect [aka all in your head] but if this is your first spell you probably drained your body of energy instead of charging energy from outside your body. When you use too much energy, or use the wrong energy, your body can get sick. You might feel tired, achie, or weak. Hunger could be your body trying to refuel the energy. I usually keep fruit or candy nearby because sometimes myself of my covenmates crave sweets after energy work.

Re: werewolf transformation
Post # 4
I'm trying out all the werewolf transformation spells that I can but I can't seem to find an accurate spell that actually works ... Whivk spell did you use

Re: werewolf transformation
Post # 5
The only way to become a werewolf is to get bitten by another one. There's no such thing as a spell to turn you into physically a werewolf, what these spells do is transform your mind and your soul to be a werewolf's, but nothing else. Maybe there IS indeed another way to become a werewolf, but it clearly isn't as easy as it seems in websites like this one. Sorry.

Re: werewolf transformation
Post # 6
worked 100%

Re: werewolf transformation
By: / Novice
Post # 7
-_- oh really...

far be it from me to call you a liar but any proof? i know many pagans and scientist who would love to speak with you.

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