removing/clearing love sp

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removing/clearing love sp
Post # 1
Ok, so I jumped the gun and did a spell on a man that I felt pulling away from me. I thought the spell would bind him to me. Of course, I have now learned that I was trying to influence his free will and that's a huge no-no. I have learned that by even trying to cast this spell, I have suffered the law of three (lost him, lost a job, lost money).

The spell was pretty basic. Drew a heart, wrote our names in it, held a rose quartz and infused the folded paper with the love from the stone, burnt the paper and sent the ashes in the wind.

I understand that I have done wrong. I am looking for how to clear this spell and break the onslaught of negativity.

To be honest, I do still want this man to come back to me but realize that it must be on his own free will. If his future doesn't include me, I do send him nothing but love and positivity for a very loving and safe life.

Any thoughts?
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Re: removing/clearing love sp
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I personally don't buy in to the "rule of threes". The "threefold law" that Gardner stated was that you should repay all good deeds done to you threefold. Somehow it was twisted into "the Universe will stick it to you threefold". But, I do believe you get what you put out.

There is no wiping things away. You can't just delete it and move on. You can start to change your thinking, projecting positive things into your life and waiting for that to be returned to you. The past is gone. Let it go and make your future better.

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