Personal teacher

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Personal teacher
Post # 1
I come from a Christian background, I just happened to be the baby and a little "out there." My dad has been supporting my fascination with witchcraft and the occult for such a young age, I can't say the same for my mother. Anyways, this year, I have been doing my research, studying, and learning as much as possible about witchcraft and becoming a witch. I've read all these books and STILL don't know where to begin. Would anyone be willing to become my teacher and teach me more and how to learn the craft? It would help so much :)
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Re: Personal teacher
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Well what do you want to get out of this, are you looking for a religious path or do you want to perform spells and rituals, or both? What is it that you want to gain personally?
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Re: Personal teacher
Post # 3
Both, really. I'm looking not only to be enlighten, but to help my family, really.
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Re: Personal teacher
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Honestly not many people on here are willing to teach, and you are your own best teacher.

if you don't know where to begin even after reading lots of books then you really need to go back to the basics and work up. Start with visualisation, meditation, centering, grounding, energy manipulation and the such. From then I would suggest finding one aspect that you find interesting and study that before moving onto multiple topics, it makes the information easier to digest.

i wish you the best of luck.

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Re: Personal teacher
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Not everyone are willing to teach and besides my opinion is you shouldn't trust a random person teaching you some of them are fluffs. I would reccomend you to go through the covens, see which fits you best and apply. Since you are a begginer it would be better to start within a coven.

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