Can someone help please

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Can someone help please
Post # 1
I am debate weather or not to join the Penta Magic Coven...Or the Dragon Magick Coven.

I have gone through Each and every Coven and decided that these two best fit what I want to do.

Now, Is it possible to be in both? If so, Great! If not, I'd like everyone's help to help me decide ^_^

So, Right now I am learning about Dragon Magick and It intrigues me. So that would be good so I could learn more, But at the same time, I want to be learning About spells and elements and everything else, Which the Penta Magic Coven Provides....

So There is my dilemma; And I know you're gonna say "Do whatever you think is best for you." but I want to be in them both Equally = [

Any Guidance is appreciated,

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Re: Can someone help please
Post # 2
Why do you need to be in a coven, respect and help all and they will do the same to you, any information given in a specific coven can be found, dug up or created by yourself. Covens are good for group dinamics, but at times they may limit your perceptions in ways causing you not to see outside a specific box.
Even if you don't join there are many on the site that will share knowledge with you once you've shown you can handle and use it.
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Re: Can someone help please
Post # 3
Thanks Kao =)

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