Water element help

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Water element help
Post # 1
I performed a spell the other day to remove blocks and banish negativeness from my life....my boyfriend left his window down that night and the passenger side of his car where I sit was soaked with rain. Then when I got in my car my windshield was leaking and then at my work my roof was leaking. Why is the water element so prevalent?
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Re: Water element help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Because it rained.

Theres probably not a connection. Focus on the positive stuff happening around you.

Thats my advice anyway.

good luck!

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Re: Water element help
By: / Novice
Post # 3
All of these things are probably directly connected to the rain. If in doubt there is usually a natural reason, unless all this happened in the desert.
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Re: Water element help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
You should look at the logical answers before the magickal.

It's so prevalent because you are looking for signs. Sometimes we forget the window down and it rains, sometimes a chip in your windshield can lead to a crack on the same day. It's life. You banished negative energy, but everyone can have a bad day, the key is to accept and move forward from misfortune instead of dwelling. Good luck to you.
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