Most people in the magickal community have heard of mojo bags, but they can be very confusing, with so many people saying so many different things. In the How-to below, I will be giving you, my version of Mojo bags. This may not be the most "normal" way, it may not be your way, but this is a method of making mojo bags and I hope that this is able to clarify and clear up the very confusing world of mojo bags, a little bit.
Ingredients :
A suedette bag - preferably red (traditional), or a colour that related to your intent (modern).
Herbs - one or a few that relate to your intent.
Crystals - One of many that relate to your intent (again), they are often added in "magick" numbers, or in numbers that relate to your intent.
Paper and Pen - this is for your sigil, symbol, rune, of phrase.
Tokens - commonly used in more traditional mojo bags, a small token such as a four leaf clover charm of a lock of hair can be added depending on your intent (optional).
Find a quiet space where no one will disturb you - this is very important.
1) Choose a suedette bag, suedette is chosen because it stops herbs from falling out of the bag, which is incredibly useful. The traditional colour of a mojo bag is red, but if you don't have red or you would rather relate the colour to what you are doing then pick a related colour, such as: Yellow for intelligence, green for luck/money.
2) Pick out your herbs, you can use one or many, but they need to relate to what you are doing so check up the herb lists on this website, or a good book (e.g. Scott Cunninghams-Encyclopedia of magical Herbs) for all the uses of each herb. Once chosen they need to be mixed together or ground, depending on their size, I use a prestle and mortar to do both; while you are mixing the herbs you need to infuse them with your intent, before adding them to the bag.
3) Next you can pick out a collection of crystals (chippings, points, small wands, tumble stones), whatever you have around. It is common to add them in magickal numbers such as 1, 3, 7, 13, but for a mojo bag 1-3 is fine unless they are very small chippings. However, in some cases, such as love spells, it may be best to add in 2 crystals, to symbolise the two people. Hold the chosen crystals in your hand and infuse them with intent before adding them into the bag.
4) The next step is to create a phrase/word/symbol/rune or sigil that you can add into the bag to physcially show your intent. Which ever option/s you choose depends on what you feel most comfortable with or most drawn to, but they should be drawn/written onto the paper in either black or a corresponding colour ink. While you are creating the phrase/symbol/rune/sigil/word, you must infuse your intent with it before placing it into the bag.
5) The adding of tokens is something that is commonly done in the old way of mojo bag creation, less commonly used today, it can be missed off if you feel it suitable to do so. The adding of tokens is to add in items that have symbolism, for example if you want to reconnect with a lost friend you could add in a piece of jewellery of theirs, if you want to bring luck, you may want to add in a small four leaf clover charm. Before you do anything you must infuse it with your intent and then place it either in the bag, or with charms you can sew them onto the outside of the bag with corresponding coloured thread.
6) Finally you can seal up your mojo bag, by pulling the drawstrings and tying them around the bag, ensuring it will stay sealed. Despite the bag being full, it is not yet "alive". Begin by infusing the whole bag with your intent, then you have to "feed" it. This is done with oil or incense, whichever you have available, but they must relate to your intent.
For incense , simply light the incense allowing it to glow red before blowing it out. Pass the mojo bag through the smoke several times, while infusing it with intent.
For oil , simply add a few drops of the corresponding oil onto the bag, infusing it with intent - this can be done by massaging it in with your fingers or by simply holding the bag.
8) You must keep the bag touching you for the first week or so, after that the bag can go under your pillow or by your bed for the length of time it takes to work - this can be anything from a few weeks/months to years, depending on the spell. During this time you must keep "feeding" the bag with oil or incense and keep fusing it with your intent every week, to keep it "alive".
Note : Do not let anyone see or touch the bag - if it is seen then you can bring it back to life by feeding it again, however, if it is touched then the bag is considered "dead" and you will have to start again.
I hope this helps someone in creating their own mojo bags, I find this method incredibly useful.
You mentioned that the bag must be touching you for the first week or so, but that it shouldn't been seen or touched by another person. How do you go about keeping it on your person without that happening?
Well my personal method is to tie around a piece of string and wear it around my neck. The bag doesn't have to be big so it is reasonably comfortable. I know of some people who even put mojo bags in bras, some guys even put them down boxers.
The woman who taught me told me it had to be touching skin, but I personally think that so long as it is on your person, it would be okay: so pockets is a great choise.