Crush spell questions.

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Crush spell questions.
Post # 1
Has anyone successful casted the Crush spell on this website?
Do you know if it would be possible with something other than water - a common drink like Coke or iced tea.
Or is water an important factor?
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Re: Crush spell questions.
Post # 2
Also, I'm new to Magic and Magick. What is an easy starting spell that can help me practise, that many of you have had success with? Something small/harmless like a weather spell?

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Re: Crush spell questions.
Post # 3
N reply 2 both issues.
If the spell calls out for water, you need to use water. Water is elemental; it is a very fundamental earth element (earth, fire, spirit, water, wind). It is used in MANY potions and actions for spells, and is symbolic as well as functional, and I’m sure it’s role in your potion is more than just something to wash down the other ingredients. Using anything other than water will contaminate your potion or spell. Magic is an art of purity; purity of heart, mind and spirit. You wouldn’t want to cast a love spell while you were still angry over getting a bad grade on an exam… would you? Bad residuals leaking into a good spell… Yuck!

I believe an easy starting spell, would be a spell for (to increase ones)energy, alertness; or to ward off tiredness. This way, by citing it, you are invoking the energy inside yourself, and you will be incredibly aware of it when it is working. You will also be increasing your own magical power by exercising the energies within your own body and spirit, so that you will be better equipped to try spell that manipulate the energies within other objects, or forces of the elements. Remember, the true power of the spoken word is such that no man can gague with accuracy. It IS different for each person depending on how much energy that person can invoke (bring forth) and control. Even white magic spells spoken by one who invokes great power (energy) can have vast results.
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Re: Crush spell questions.
Post # 4
im new to this magic buisness an was woundering why there are so many spells on this website but so many of them say "this spell is not here" or something like that.
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Re: Crush spell questions
Post # 5
Yea i agree with last poster, but no one seems compelled 2 answer....
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