spells I NEED HELP

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spells I NEED HELP
Post # 1
I need a spell to make me invisebele, make me walk thou walls, teleaport and psi energy spells healing and time
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Re: spells I NEED HELP
Post # 2
You do realize that what you are asking is not something people can give you? It is not simple to do. True power comes from talent and long periods of study. Unless you understand the finer points of anatomy and physics, there is no walking through walls for you. Magic is not some sort of hat you pull a rabbit out of my friend. It is a curious and mysterious force that is alive in our world and always has been. If you so choose, I can guide you along the pathways till you truly can transmute your body, but it is not some sort of chant or candle that will get you there. It is a long rode... with a candle or two ;)
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