"Feminine energy"

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"Feminine energy"
Post # 1
Now this is a subject I completely Do Not understand. We may meet this in Deities description, Spirit Animals description etc. This question is most for Spirit Animals part, but it could be seen from other points of view too.

We have seen many times "this spirit animal/guide/Deity etc, represents feminine energy..." being mentioned. It's like they connect a Spirit Animal or something else to "feminine energy".. The thing I don't understand is, from when energy has started to have "femimine" and "male" form and such? Energies are supposed not to have genders; genders are just the appearence of a living organism. Or, could it be connected from the human mind that feminine energy deals with Witchcraft...while male energy with other stuff?

For instance, a Spirit Animal represents wisdom...they may say that this Spirit Animal is of feminine energy and so on. And that's Exactly what I don't get, what does this feminine energy means???
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Re: "Feminine energy"
Post # 2
It's more about archetype than actual gender.

That is, feminine energy can be nurturing and sheltering, but also severe, scolding, and wrathfully protective.

Male energy can be overbearing, relying on strength or power, but also analytical and merciful.

But here's the thing: Each "male" quality has other balancing male qualities, but more importantly balancing "female" qualities. It's a sort of way to over-simplify the idea of, for example, strength being balanced with nurturing, over-protectiveness with a distant watchful eye, or whatever other countering aspects anyone may want to come up with.

I'm not so personally keen on the whole gender-based descriptions myself, but as it is the most often used terminology, it will -- at least for now -- have to suffice for a widely enough understanding of the dualities presented.
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