Conflicting information

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Conflicting information
Post # 1
I find a website that tells me one thing look on another and I get the opposite information help I need to know what sources are reliable!!!!
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Re: Conflicting information
Post # 2
Information on what exactly? What are the contradictions?

It is possible you are reading from two very different perspectives due to tradition, or it is possible that they simply have differing opinions.

What is it you're seeking?
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Re: Conflicting information
Post # 3
I agree with prsona. Many different traditions (paths) follow different beliefs. I've worked with different practitioners and I've acknowledged that what could be seen/understood in a same-way by two traditions also could be achieved/practiced in different ways.
It would be helpful if you were more specific.
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Re: Conflicting information
By: / Novice
Post # 4
information can sometimes change due to tradition. [like circle casting or holidays] if it's definitions [like an Athame or Pentagram] you shouldn't be having these issues. what are you looking for?
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Re: Conflicting information
Post # 5
I was looking at jar spells. I wanted to learn about it and some people classify it as white magic some as black magic which is it?
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Re: Conflicting information
By: / Novice
Post # 6

Well considering that white and black magick does not exist, it is neither.

Magick is often classified by intent, so whether a spell is positive or negative, white or black, depends on the intention of the spell.

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