Blackbird after spell

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Blackbird after spell
Post # 1
Last night I cast a love spell. This morning a blackbird flew to tge window next to me, tapped on it and sat there for a few seconds before flying away. Does this have anything to do with my spell? Is so what?
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Re: Blackbird after spell
Post # 2
Probably not birds will be birds.
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Re: Blackbird after spell
By: / Novice
Post # 3

As many people will say, not everything is related to a spell, blackbirds fly around, sit on windows, tap on glass, fly off again, all the time.

The world does not revolve around a spell that has been cast, these animals have lives and minds all of their own that are completely separate from anything that we humans do.

It is probably best that you forget about the spell and let it do its thing, instead of assuming that everything is related to a spell.

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Re: Blackbird after spell
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Alternatively, there has been a long tradition of reading omens from the habits of birds. So, it's entirely up to you to decide whether it was an omen or not.

It could mean your petition was heard; it could also be nothing. This type of divination is like that.

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Re: Blackbird after spell
Post # 5
While there could be no relation of the two which is very possible it could also mean something to you that it doesn't mean to us.

So ask yourself the following questions: what do black birds symbolize to you? What do they symbolize to the one you performed the spell for? What do birds symbolize to you? What does black symbolize to you?

If there is no major standout correlation between those questions it still probably means absolutely nothing. Hope this helps my dear.
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