Spacial Rending?

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Spacial Rending?
Post # 1
Okay, so my friend Julia (a classmate of mine, im not sure if she has an account) recently told me about Spacial Rending, or altering the universe, as some people say. Im just wondering If any anyone here has ever heard of it or atempeted it....
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Re: Spacial Rending?
Post # 2
Every bit of magick done creates some form of alteration on some level in the universe, every action creates ripples which continue till the effect is huge, also known as the butterfly effect or chaos theory. Without often realising it people do this to differeing degrees, both effecting physical as well as astral plane. Permanent high degree alterations to the actual physical plane of the universe eg. lowered gravity, is currently beyond human understanding, once the understanding is reached as to how one can begin to build the energy and intent to achieve it, nothing wrong with dreaming big is there?
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