mend relationship

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mend relationship
Post # 1
Reposted this as put it in the wrong place. Really would appreciate some feedback.

Hello all, new here and seems like as good a place to start as any.
Very much looking for advise, my relationship has recently gone completely pear shaped with no warning and it kind of feels like someone or something has interfered.
We were both getting great, doing stuff together as a family (both single parents) we'd discussed holidays, we'd chat each night for a couple of hours after the kids had gone to bed (on phone as we have our own homes) just loads of laughs, the physical side was getting better and better...he'd say he'd missed me etc...then we went out for a meal...had a great time, few drinks after....went home, chatted and he gave me a grilling on my ex's and would I ever go back to one of them who is now my best friend, so could he trust me basically, and not have to keep looking over his shoulder...we talked more, I assured him he had my full attention, that I had no interest in anyone but him...we went to bed and he asked me where we were going within our relationship and I said we were together, a couple...we did what you do when you turn out the lights! and it was all day everything still fine and I went home....arranged to take the kids out that day...but he didn't answer his phone, then he said later he'd taken his son out for lunch...and from then on he just changed..I have no idea why? we spoke less, and he made excuses for not talking but when we were together it all seemed fine, affection wise and still laughing....until he did a complete u-turn....he'd been the one egging on our relationship, getting me to open up and to trust him and it appeared we both wanted the same things and both we developing real feelings.....Anyway, very long winded I know for a first post...but not very good and cutting to the chase so I apologise....I don't want to cast a spell for love to make him feel something he doesn't...but want to be able to do something that will enable us to build bridges, and go back to where we were before things went pear shaped. We aren't really communicating at all now so I can't just call him....and I think he's actually maybe been seeing someone else. It does in all honestly feel like something has been done to interfere with out relationship...Does anyone know of a spell I could maybe try to at least get us talking again? or that will take us back to before whatever happened to harm us?

light and love
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