Reach out or come to you?

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Reach out or come to you?
Post # 1
After you cast a spell on someone to bring peace and forgiveness, from them being angry and upset with you... Should you let the magick do the work and let them come to you or should you reach out to them a few weeks after the spell was casted and try to work things out? I feel like reaching out but I'm not sure if that would go well.
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Re: Reach out or come to you?
Post # 2
Give it some time and then reach out. Sometimes a person's pride may get the best of them. If you truly want to mend the relationship, there is no harm in taking the first step. In fact, it shows them you are willing to work things out. This doesn't mean you need to expose yourself to negativity. Protect yourself and realize that the time may not be right. Once you have taken the initiative and sought them out. The rest is up to them. You will rest peaceful in the fact that you have done everything you could to resolve the situation.
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