im a newbe hello world!

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im a newbe hello world!
Post # 1
iv always been interested in white witchcraft but dont know enough about it, im one of these people who come across bits of knowledge about spiritual things but idealy id love to practice wiccanism (if thats what you call it teehee)
id love to join a covan once im strong enough and learn more and more about it, i dont know if there are stages or things you pass to become a 'white witch'
id just love to know more about it, and what stuff you learn before you practice spells... or can i just cast spells anyway? im getting stronger at the meditation... although not all that strong as i have the attention span of a child. also i used to dabble as a young'un (which i realise now that it wasnt the smartest thing to do) but they usually worked in a positive way.
any way, id really appreciate some help.
much love and blessed be... if im allowed to say that yet.. ;o) xx
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Re: im a newbe hello world!
Post # 2
feel free to correct me on anything i said wrong too.. im an easy going cat. x
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Re: im a newbe hello world!
Post # 3

hey u sound like a nice person

(u didnt do anything wrong lol)
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Re: im a newbe hello world!
Post # 4
thankyou... i try.. ;o) xx
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Re: im a newbe hello world!
Post # 5
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Re: im a newbe hello world!
Post # 6
Wellcome to the site Feel free to ask me for help on some magic spells.
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