seeing a spirit?

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seeing a spirit?
Post # 1
The person is alive.. I keep seeing someone from my past that I had a large connection to. I haven't seen them in years. I know he is alive. I'll be doing something on a regular basis and I will see him in a normal form. When I look away he will disappear. Why am I seeing someone that is alive in spirit form?
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Re: seeing a spirit?
Post # 2
I should mention that it's once in a while. Not all the time. The last time I did see him he was playing Pool with my friends.
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Re: seeing a spirit?
Post # 3
Maybe he is thinking about you, try to get in touch with him.
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Re: seeing a spirit?
Post # 4
I wish I could his wife isn't a fan of me. Is that what you think it is? He's thinking of me?
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