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Post # 1
Is it wrong to ask for proof when considering practicing magick? I have felt drawn to magic for sometime now. not sure how to proceed because I've had bad experiences with spirits in the past. since a child I have had an easier time "connecting" then most so I'm a bit concerned now that I have been sent down this path. I'm looking to the veterans in this area, not "I watched a hairy potter movie once" type. Any and all advice will be welcomed

thank you in advance
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Re: Proof?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Proof?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3

With anything involving magick, you won't be able to witness proof, magick is subtle, is is not a poof of smoke or an instant result, it is slow working and a gentle push in everyday life.

Most people at some point question the validity of magick or their spiritual path, it is something most go through, after all it isn't something you can really see.

Anyone can conduct a magickal practice before your very eyes, but that won't show you proof of magick.

The only person who can really provide proof, is you.

Study, read up on the subject, get some knowledge of the topic and see if it feels right and real to you. Your practice is very personal and if you aren't feeling entirely sure about it, taking a step back and reevaluating is always a good place to start.

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Re: Proof?
Post # 4
I see magic as a manipulation of energy and in no way visual (movie stuff) but cause and affect does worry me a bit. the universe is balance and thus must remain so.
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Re: Proof?
Post # 5
Cause and effect are big players (in my opinion) within magic. Every action we make creates ripples, whether you see this as a concept like Wyrd/Fate, or whether you see it as balance, and so on.

It's not something I would inherently say we should worry too deeply about, though. Workings all have consequences, as long as we can recognise what our intent is, and how that influences our lives and the immediate lives of those around us.
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Re: Proof?
Post # 6
try practicing with a pendulum. This is the most simple form of proof i can think of... A pendulum is usually a chain with a crystal at the end, which is used for divination. I am going to assume you do not have one, so i recommend getting a string and attaching a ring to the end of it (i don't recomend using a necklace or necklace chain as it doesn't hang down completely straight). Hold the top of your string with the ring dangling at the bottom, and hold it very still. Make sure you are concentrated. Ask it to show you a yes, let it. then ask it to stop. then ask it to show you a no. when you can recognize it's answers begin to ask it questions that are yes/no. begin with answers you already know such as "is the sky blue". The answers may not be correct at first, as you have to practice. After practicing enough you will be able to ask questions you do not know the answer to, as well as find lost objects. Keep in mind you may have to focus and practice befor you can do this properly, but it is a very simple and useful form of divination. I'd suggest also watching some videos on how to use a pendulum as well.
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Re: Proof?
By: / Novice
Post # 7
not wrong exactly, but it's not something scientifically proven. you could see if you could observe a local circle so you can really feel the energy in the room, or you could practice energy work yourself. but magick is something you feel and connect with, it isn't something i could show you a video of for example.

on top of that, magick isn't spell casting, it is a natural energy that brings change. some could say the change of seasons, a caterpillar to a butterfly, even how technology changes could be seen as 'magickal' though all are in the realms of science. [which magick is a part of science. many pagans are in the science and medical fields and believe in both] spell casting, is charging this energy and sending it on a desired path. the spell will then effect the natural flow of energy and bring opportunities for you to achieve the goal you have.

sorry if it was a bit confusing, i really wish Brysing was still here, he was good at explaining magick. there's several pinned forums that you may find useful. [check the general information and other spells sections, you might find something useful]
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Re: Proof?
By: / Beginner
Post # 8

I really liked some of the comments there, they were helpful. Thanks

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