Amulet Crafting

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Amulet Crafting
Post # 1

I am making an amulet of prosperity and good luck for my new house and I was wondering what are some ways for me not to keep on recharging the amulet each time it has run out of power

I would like to empower the object once and consecrate it, but I feel like if you don't keep feeding your amulet energy it will die, sort of like how mojo bags work

My family is going through some rough times and I think this amulet will help.

The amulet is gonna be sealed in a frame so it gonna be hard to disassemble just to make it work again

If the only way I can do it is just recharge it after it lost itspower, please tell me some ways I can do this.

The amulet is gonna be a sand dollar, with some seaweed, and some sand glued onto a back of some colorful paper

All of this is gonna be in the picture frame

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Re: Amulet Crafting
Post # 2
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Re: Amulet Crafting
Post # 3
This is a question long-answered in history, though perhaps not so directly. Many traditions have items which are placed in prominent areas, or at least in places passed frequently.

So let's say you hang the amulet next to the entrance door of your home. Every time you pass by, you touch it and consciously repeat some phrase associated with it. Eventually the reason becomes subconscious, and your conti ued touch feeds it energy, so to speak.
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