Probably the most requested spell or advice topic here and elsewhere is about love spells.
Do they work? Can someone cast it for me? What about freewill? Or, "Im desperate."
Anyways, youll get lots of opinions. As someone that has been casted for/on and has cast them; I believe I have a perspective that has some value. Or not...YMMV...
A man had observed his neighbor catching and eating a fish each day.
Why do you eat fish all the time?
I love fish! Every day I take a fish from the water, kill it, boil it and eat it. I love fish!
Hmm...I dont think you love fish. You love yourself, you take the fish from the water, kill it and boil it and eat it. But you do it for yourself. You dont love the fish, you love yourself so you eat the fish.
Paraphrase from Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski
Love should be an act of giving, I think. You give but you have no expectation of getting something back. Thats the trust part. Love isnt about you its about the other, or us. Changing your life to "us" and "we" is one of the big things about love.
As far as the whole "changing freewill" thing.... Well...
No spell you do is going to make someone who doesnt like you change to loving you. You cant really change someones free will, unless you use drugs. Now that is immoral.
but casting a spell is about equalizing odds, love spells dont work like in popular culture. someone says some words lights a candle and "poof" and the person, your target, decides from now on theyll love you.
Would that be what you really want? That is what the rabbi calls "fish love." You love yourself, the act of the spell is for you not the other person.
There are some exceptions. People's freewill can be directed and it happens all the time. Its called advertising. What do you think when you hear the words: "Im lovin it?" If you said McDonalds and not your spouses name or the name of your children....guess what...? Your freewill has to some extent been affected by other people for brand marketing.
I advocate the use of spells for love. But like with all spells you might use to improve your quality of life, the intention dictates whether this is white, black or grey. If the spell is about "fish love" or self love by using someone else then the results are going to be less than satisfactory if deep inside you want true love or giving love.
If you really want to use magic for love, then keep it in mind. A lot of times people talk about how these spells can backfire and rather than the target being obsessed with become obsessed with the target.
Maybe because it is "fish love" and not the real thing.
Anyways, something to think about I guess. Or as you will as long as you are willing to accept the consequences.