I'm fairly new here and was just wondering if anyone had any good suggestions on specific books I should be reading, documentaries, or music that would be good to listen to. Any suggestions on books about herbalism, botany, and anything involving green witchery would be really appreciated ! If anyone knows any good documentaries about the Craft (specifically deities, myths/legends, Wicca, and faeries) or any good ritual music like Wiccan chants please tell me! I'm looking to integrate magic into my everyday life by absorbing as much information as possible. I am also looking for someone to teach me, I am 100 percent ready to learn more from people more experienced than me. I hope I'm writing this in the right forum, I didn't know where else to ask!
The forum is full of suggestions similar to what you are asking for. Poke around it and see what you can find. We also have a chatter where you can come and talk to others.
I have been poking around , just looking for more suggestions, thanks ! I think it'd be a cool thread to have as a resource as well which is why I posted this ; it'll help other people ! And for some reason the chat box doesn't work on my computer
Re: Newbie Looking for Media! By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 5 Jun 10, 2017
In regards to Wicca, you might want to start on the Wicca forum here. The thread Main Wicca Posts has several subthreads on recommended books and websites. You can find the thread at http://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=580909
In terms of music and chants, I would suggest these -
The first book I ever read (And the proverbial pebble that started the landslide for me) was 'The 21 lessons of Merlin' by Douglas Monroe.
Other books I have read, but aren't necesasrily directly related to magic itself, include;
-Journey of souls and Destiny of souls, by Michael newton
-Dark side of the light chasers, by Debbie ford
-Autobiography of a yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda
-Way of the peaceful warrior' by Dan Millman.
-Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
-Phoenix rising, by Mary Summer-rain
-Animal speak (And nature speak) by Ted Andrews.
-Star signs, sun signs, love signs and Gooberz. All by Linda Goodman
-Hunting down Channelled messages through Brian, the dragon. Only way is through google searches. They pop up in singles all over the place. I have yet to find the actual original source they come from.
As far as videos and documentaries I have watched a bunch over the years, but for the life of me I am having trouble in naming them off the top of my head. I can only think of a couple;
-The pyramid code (netflix)
-Awake (also netflix)
-10 questions for the dalai lama (yet again netflix)
-DMT the spirit molecule (Still more netflix)
-Generic documentaries watched over years and years of channel surfing. (Not very helpful, I know. -_-)