yea I'm new

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yea I'm new
Post # 1
My name is Callie and I am 11yrs. old (turning 12 in like 8 days). Yea i am new to the whole casting spells thing, but it comes rather easy (but i have only tried really easy spells/curses). I have been a witch for, o say, about 3 days now (lol). I truthfully started believeing in magic again about 4 months ago when I started, ok this might sound wierd, hearing people's thoughts and sensing their emotions. Then all of my analytical scientific beliefes flew out the window.
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Re: yea I
Post # 2
You have what the world calls ESP....u can prob.project into other ppls heads.. I would be careful of what you think...Try to meditate to focus all that energy...become one with yourself and always know ...your amongst friends.
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