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Post # 1
Hey y'all.

I'm new to this site... I'm writing because, well, I don't believe in magic. But, a handful of times in my life (most are recent), friends (and even strangers) and come to ask me if I myself, or someone in my family practises magic. My response has always been no... I have no idea about that stuff! And then when I ask why they asked, they say "I don't know, I just felt like you did" (this is coming from people like yoga teachers, yogis, voodoo priests, and just "spiritual" peeps in general.

It's happened so often that I'm wondering if it must mean something? Any ideas?? It's just so weird that this has happened to me so often, especially recently.

Any feedback would be great! xx
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Re: Help?
Post # 2
I don't know if it would necessarily 'mean' anything. The questions could be due to something you were wearing, where you happened to be, just wanting to start a conversation, or any number of reasons to ask. Maybe some of the individuals believe they are sensitive, and 'felt' like you might be a practitioner.

Then again, there are those who believe that most people do magic without really being aware of it. You might be a natural practitioner, using your will to influence your world, without putting much effort into it.

Since you are a skeptic, I will tell you this: Magic is nothing like in the movies or fictional books. It is simply change in accordance with one's will. A lot of people use it for personal development; one axiom in many traditions is "Know thy self." Some people do work with deities and spirits, though that falls into the realm of belief rather than provable fact.

If you are curious, please stick around. See what you can learn, and whether any of this interests you.
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Re: Help?
Post # 3
Thanks so much for your great reply! I'll definitely stick around and have a little look around on here :)
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