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Post # 1
My friend doesnt like me doing magic and wont speak to me unless i stop doing magic. But i want to keep practicing magic! Any help?
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Re: Help
Post # 2
that is a common thing with people...if he was a true friend he would accept it and move on if not its time for you to move on
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Re: Help
Post # 3
hey thanks i know what to do now, she obivously is not a good friend!
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Re: Help
Post # 4
Not necessarily. It depends, does she not believe in magick and thinks that you're just some nut who believes in faery tales? Or is she strictly Christian and thinks that magick is Satanic? Because there's a Christian boy in my school who used to be a friend of mine but discovered I practice magick when he came round to my house. But I still think he's a good person because he's doing this for something he believes is right. So if you're friend does think magick is evil then don't worry, she still a good person and you'll get along someday somehow. If she thinks you're a nut then she's not a good friend because she doesn't respect your beliefs.
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Re: Help
Post # 5
She thinks im a nut! I know this because she has told other people and twisted it like as you said someone who believes in fairy tales! Thanks for your help.
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Re: Help
Post # 6
Well then just dont speak to her. I feel that if she cant accept you the way you are then you dont need her. I had to cut off a few people when I started practicing too. Just go ahead and continue to learn. If she wants to be your friend then she'll try to patch things up.
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Re: Help
Post # 7
Well, if she doesn't believe in magick, you have to prove it to her. Cast a spell or something.

If she believes it but thinks it's just stupid, then apparently you can just go up to her and say, "Hey, if you don't like what I do, fine, but unless you can accept what I do, I don't believe we can be friends anymore." It might be heartbreaking to you, but trust me on this, you'll get over it. I've moved maybe 3 times; I've gotten over all of my friends with just simply thinking I'll make new ones.
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