Learning Experience?

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Learning Experience?
Post # 1
So as many here already know I have premonitions. I have been told to keep a log, but I also notice I am having premonitions a lot more often than I normally have had them over the past couple months. Do you guys think I should post my log here? Perhaps someone can learn from it, or perhaps someone could help me shed some insight on how it all works.

The information I include is:

The date of the premonition
The time of the premonition
The premonition itself and it's thoughts
When I recall having the premonition

Of course I don't want to post anything folks wouldn't be interested in but this is a topic I personally find as fascinating as it is perplexing.
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Re: Learning Experience?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
The idea of keeping log or some sort of record is good one. However, it would benefit mainly yourself. People do not just learn from other people experiences, and especially their occult ones because they cannot just relate to them for the most part. In order for someone to really understand such experience is to to go through it themselves. Other that than, it would have the value of just reading someones else's account of something that is hard to imagine or relate to.

Additionally, every seer has things that are unique for themselves. No two seers would be identical in their skills and experiences. The time it occurred it would matter mainly to you. The most relevant thing to others could be just how you process the received information.

Additionally, it takes the development of specific and specialised type of brain to be able to pick those subtle links and patterns. I have discovered that since I have had these experiences, my brain developed differently and I can see patterns that others are oblivious about. Untrained, brain cannot do no that. Having the gift does not guarantee the ability to actually be able to automatically learn from those experiences. It takes many years of analysing them and finding sense into them, which is where logs come handy. The gift just forces to train yourself to find links into things you could not see any sense into. Many of my premonitions in dreams and in visions are not literate and exact. Many of them are just symbolic or have both parts of exact reality to enfold and parts that are more symbolic and need to be rendered understandable to my logic.
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Re: Learning Experience?
Post # 3
I suppose you do have a point. Personally I was thinking that sharing my own personal feelings as these events occur could help others think of ways to try and pick up on details of their own. I do understand that events differ, and I have come to accept I probably won't get a clear cut answer anytime soon, I was mostly wanting to post it for....entertainment purposes? Not really studying, since I mostly just have the experience and my own personal feelings and discoveries typed down. I suppose for studying purposes, minus the learning something new. Just something you would read because it's interesting reading about it and that's it really.
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Re: Learning Experience?
Post # 4
It is nice to hear about real experiences, that itself can be a learning experience for anyone with uncertainty about their own experiences, path or something else.

Why not share about some of those experiences that stand out the most, instead of all of them?
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