New to Magic

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New to Magic
Post # 1
Hey, I'm Ginny and I'm new to magic. I've been interested for many years and with some recent things in my life have decided to take this journey, like a new chapter. I have only one question...if the soul premise of magic is believing and it will happen, what if you doubt yourself?? I don't mean to, but it's hard at times. You can't force yourself to believe, and I'm worried my spell casting won't work because I doubt myself. Any tips??
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
believe in urself as this will also strenghen ur spells as well as ur confidance good luck and blessed be
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Re: New to Magic
Post # 3
This is something that just about every new magickian goes thru.
I went thru it, as well. I used daily affirmations to rid myself of the self-doubt and the doubt of my Magick.

Write positive things about yourself and your Magick on small slips of paper or even better postit notes.

I am a beautiful person.
I deserve to be loved and respected.
I believe in myself.
I believe in my Magick.
Magick is a true force of the Universe.

put these around your room, on your mirror, slip thm into books where you will come upon them unexpectedly.

Make a list of these. (you can put them in your BOS, if you have one.) Everyday, read them, to yourself, or better, outloud in a firm clear positive voice.
It helps. Overcoming the years of brainwashing by mundane world is hard, but it can be done. Like everything Magickal, it's hard work, but it can be done!


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Re: New to Magic
Post # 4
well welcopme this is a wonderful site with very nice people mostly if youi want just message me and i will gladly answetr your questines
-blessed be isit
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Re: New to Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Welcome,ginny, to the forums, and to magick. Believing in yourself is a good foundation for anything that we do in life. I believe that with some study and the right guidance that you will not only believe in yourself and what you are capable of, but you will be downright surprised. After reading through some of the threads here, you will probably learn that different people are more adept in different areas. This should make it easy to know to whom particular questions should be addressed. Glad you're here.
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