Angels or guides?

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Angels or guides?
Post # 1
I never understood the difference but I’ve been trying to contact them for a while now. I’ve been unsuccessful and have been wondering if it was possible for someone on this site to help me. If possible I’d like to receive a message from them. That would be the joy and peak of my spiritual journey. I do consider myself good at reading but I can’t read myself. If anyone is interested please message me. There’s more about me in my bio. Thanks! :)
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Re: Angels or guides?
Post # 2
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Re: Angels or guides?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
When it comes to function, Guides and angels share a lot in common. They are generally benevolent beings who have an expanded knowledge and experience in spiritual matters, which they use to assist an individual in their own growth.

There are some differences as well though. For example Angels are generally specific to particular roles, and to me they feel more like archetypes of specific qualities. Some are specifically protectors. Others are healers. Some are about finding/revealing truth. Still others are messengers or muses. They act in specific ways related to what they represent. They tend to be active as well, moreso than teaching. Archangel Michael protects you, but doesn't always teach how to protect yourself. The idea is to call on him and he will provide it.

Guides are more general in their approach, and have knowledge on a variety of aspects and topics that you can learn from. Most have some sort of thing they specialize in, but in general they can fulfill more than one role. Where angels are providers guides are teachers. A guides role is to expose you to information and experiences that help you learn about yourself. They don't hring the answers to you, but they do inspire you and teach you how to find them. Ask a guide for protection and you may find you are instead learning how to protect yourself. Suddenly friends are mentioning books, or telling you about books and videos. Or you start finging random inclinations to look up specific kinds of information. Or even meeting new people who 'just happen' to already study the very things you are wanting to learn. But it is still up to you to act on those opportunities. How quickly, and how well, you learn is dependent on your own efforts and commitment.

In form, Angels are... well... angels. They are entities of a divine nature associated with a particular role under a particular god or pantheon. While not strictly limited to Christianity, In todays age that is where the bulk of the associations come from.

Meanwhile Guides can be just about anything. They are typically an ascended master- a person or being who has already fulfilled their own learning and have grown into a state of enlightened awareness. Guides have learned and grown through experiencing their own journey, and are now working to share that experience. As such guides have been known to be people of the past, inspiring figures such as guru's, Jesus of nazerine, wisened figures like Testla, or mahatma ghandi or paramahansa yogananda, etc. Or less prominent figures like passed family or ancestors. They could be formless entities, representing themselves as simple light. They could even be non-earthly-from pleiadians and starseeds to dragons and other mythical figures.
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Re: Angels or guides?
Post # 4
Wow spirit! Thanks for the insight! I’ll definitely take all this into consideration when I decide to try and connect again. :)
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