love spell

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love spell
Post # 1
if there is a person you love/desire but for some reason you can't make any headway with them do the following
1. go to the place where you are likely to see the person you desire
2.follow them at a discreet distance
3.collect a little dirt or dust from their left footprint and wrap this in a piece of paper or a handkerchief
4.any time that night sit alone in a room with the dirt/dust spread in front of you in the paper or handkerchief have a light on
5.with a pin or needle prick your middle finger of your left hand and allow 3 drops of blood to fall on the dirt/dust
6.look at the mixture and repeat the following 3 times you who dwells in my mind, you who trod on this dirt/dust, with my blood i begin and seal a bond of love between you and i, and you are powerless,powerless are you, to break this bond
7.wrap the mixture and using a black thread tie or sew it up in paper or cloth
8. carry this with you when you go to where you will see the person in qusetion one of 2 things will happen
a.they will make the first move by starting a conversation with you or anything to attract your attention make the first move,they will feel compelled to accede to your suggestions for a date either case they will be susceptible to your amorus advances keep the item with you every time you meet until you become inseperable
10.when you win their heart keep the item in your bedroom unkown to the person.
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Re: love spell
Post # 2
ummm sounds like ur stacking her!
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Re: love spell
Post # 3
wot? surely u must be joking - can u prove this works?
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