The Four Aces

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The Four Aces
Post # 1
My site is in desperate need of people. It is magick-related, yes, but most people (well actually everybody) there are non-believers in magick, so it's not wise to tell anybody you're a witch/warlock/wizard/etc. except on the Magick boards.

It's a simple site with a few games, and a board for everything. You can be yourself, but please, no vengeance by casting hexes and curses on people. It's also family-friendly.

I am the admin and I WAS doing very well with the site, but people stopped talking, and now there's only 2 people that go to the site daily; me and BlazenfuryX.

Please make my site lively again.

Blessed be,
Tails Turrosaki

P.S. I know I sound like a beggar and a completely annoying advertiser, but I just want the site to become lively again. It's not very fun making a site, then it's popular for 1 week, and then it dies. Not fun at all...
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Re: The Four Aces
Post # 2
I guess people really don't want to join. >.>
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Re: The Four Aces
Post # 3
TBH your site sucks lol
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Re: The Four Aces
Post # 4
I'm immune to all insults. Nice try. I've heard better from the idiots at my school.

The site is still in progress; though it games, online money, shops, and also, as I've said, you can talk about anything. It's not easy getting people to join a site.
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