How many are u is real?

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How many are u is real?
Post # 1
Yes i do believe black magic but some on here is very hard to believe until i seen it with my own eyes. I want to know how many are u in here are actually a master of blackmagic? and i want to know are spell book for real?
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 2
Anyone can say anything over the internet. I am a giant bacteria.
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 3
We all do black magick without realising it, wishing ill upon another is the most simple form of this, it all depends the energy that is put behind it..
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 4
sad to say but true and kao luv the pic :)
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 5
"...are spell book for real"

Some spells in there are *real, but some of them aren't real and are quite pathetic (no offense to anyone.)

"...I want to know how many are u in here are actually a master of black magic..."

No one can ever really master magic, magic is something that always changes, almost like learning. But there are some people that are really, really advanced in it and have been doing it for many years.

"...believe until i seen it with my own eyes.."

Seeing and believing aren't the same thing, that's like saying you saw a movie last night and now you believe that pink rattle snakes are going to come after you in your sleep, its not very logical, just because you can't see air doesn't mean it's not there, and just because you can't see love doesn't mean it doesn't exist, or isn't real.

"...Yes i do believe black magic but some.."

Black magic comes in many forms, like Kao said "...wishing ill upon another is the most simple form of this..."
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 6
And I'm just the kind of person to go and see a film last night and believe that pink snakes are after me!! Thats the honest truth!!
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Re: How many are u is real?
Post # 7
There a lot of ways,techniques and theories of magick.A theory of magick is that a person could actually gather a lot of energy,draining anyone to death.
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