what would you like

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what would you like
Post # 1
what would you like in a coven? i would like to know what people look for in a coven. answeres will be veryt help full.
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Re: what would you like
Post # 2
A coven where everybody's a council (besides Spell Casters!).

A coven where it only accepts Grey Magick and above (Grey, White, Light, Blue, etc.).

A coven where there's both a priestess and priest that are nice.

A coven where it doesn't judge your religion.

A coven where it has everything I want in it. xD
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Re: what would you like
Post # 3
a coven where the members actually get on and if they havent been active in the coven kicked out. One where people know what they are doing, IM already in a coven and its really great but those are some suggestions.
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Re: what would you like
Post # 4
thank yall you dont know hoe much all this has helped me
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