how do i get a faery ?

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how do i get a faery ?
Post # 1
i'm new to this type of craft and i heard that you can get a faery and keep them as pets, is this true ?
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 2
NO! Keep an innocent, intelligent entity as a PET? That is disgraceful...
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 3
kay lol then i wont keep it as a pet but how to i see one ? what's the spell to summon a faery ?
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 4
I am not totally sure...I know they are incarnations of nature, of the elements. Some kind of nature meditation might entice them...I don't know, but would be very interested to find out.
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 5
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 6
No Dannyblast...just no. That is fake.

Try meditating out in nature. Be at complete peace with Gaea...then maybe ask (as in your head, out loud if you so wish) for a Faery to pay you a visit. Being astral beings, I highly doubt you will see them without a nice and open third eye.
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 7
Giving out offerings isn't really a spell and it certainly won't work the first time. You have to leave offerings on a decorated altar to make a spiritual bond, not want them to instantly come. It'll probably take like 2 months or so for them to arrive.
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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 8

From The Crone's Book Of Shadows

To See Fairies

Midsummer Eve at dusk, especially, if the moon is full, is the best time to see faeries. Oak Ash and Thorn are called the faery tree triad of Britain and where they grow together one can see faeries. A wash of marigold water rubbed on the eyelids will help gain faery sight. What ever you do, remember only to look. No matter how seductive the Otherworld may be, anything more than a quick peek can be disastrous. Enjoy your newfound hobby. Observing faeries in their natural habitat can bring hours of pleasure. The reader will hereby assume full responsibility for whatever may befall them as a result of this endeavor. Faeries are a tricky folk, remember, and in no way reliable or trustworthy.

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Re: how do i get a faery ?
Post # 9
They will only come when they feel they can trust you.

There always around you.
But they will show them selfs once they trust you.

So let them trust you.
They live in the woods, by water, hidden places, in a tree thats broke, caves, and sometimes in you're back yard.
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