is it true?

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is it true?
Post # 1
Today I'm celebrating my birthday ( which is tommorow) after 24 o'clock. There is a big circle on the moon and for me it is beautiful but a friend says that it means problems for witches, Is that true.... For me it is just a perfect gift...Beautiful
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Re: is it true?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
A circle around the moon is a good sign. Now if the moon is orange or red, or if the circle is that color it is a warning sign. Danger is usually to follow.
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Re: is it true?
Post # 3
A circle around the moon predict rain. The smaller the circle is the sooner it will rain. If the circle is large, rain is several days away.
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Re: is it true?
Post # 4
the only reason there can be a circle around the moon is like has been mentioned... the presence of possible rain or not... the moon shines light down to us from the sun... so in effect all you are seeing is light... as the density of the air differs (water molecules and polution etc) the light appears different... if the moon is pure white with a misty circle around it, it means that under the right conditions there might be rain within a week... if you see a circle of white with almost rainbow effects within it... then rain is coming soon... if the circle is red or orange then the next rains will be toxic due to polution (move plants inside)... if the circle is blue (the only one not explained by science)... then it is a lucky omen... then it is a gift from the gods and elementals of joy and prosperity over the next moon cycle... (hoping yours was blue... happy birthday
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