Merry Meet to all

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Merry Meet to all
Post # 1
Merry meet everyone,
Hello my name is Lady Tess and I have been practicing different types of magick over the past 7 1/2 yrs. As my profile says, I enjoy helping others as much as I possibly can and I try to help as much as possible.
I will be the first one to say that "I am not sure" if I don't know something or I cannot find a solution to the question. However I will do the best I can.
I am always up for learning new techniques, new spells, rituals and the like.
Hope to get to know some of you and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me as I will not hesitate, at least when I am online.
There will be times when I won't be able to be here, butI will pop in as often as I can.
Blessings to all,
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Re: Merry Meet to all
Post # 2
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Re: Merry Meet to all
Post # 3
Hey there!
There's a lady by the name of LadyTessa =D
Hi LadyTess!
Hope you enjoy your stay here =]
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Re: Merry Meet to all
Post # 4
Thank you for the warm welcomes. It is so greatly appreciated. Yes I had the pleasure of meeting Lady Tessa. I was quite in shock myself when I saw her name when I first signed up here lol. It was a pleasant surprise nonetheless. :)
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Re: Merry Meet to all
Post # 5
Welcome to the site, if you ever need help regarding most random things just drop me a pm ;) till we speak again be peacefull
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