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Post # 1
I saw a spell somewhere that needs you to know the colour of you aura, and I was wondering how someone could figure that out.
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Re: Auras
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Aura reading takes a lot of practice, and you can look up various methods online. I don't work too much with auras, but I was taught that if you focus on a small portion of your body (ie: hand or even a finger) in a well lit room, and let your eyes blur a bit, you can begin to see it. This should preferably be done over a white or similarly neutral background so that the colors of the background don't meddle with anything. I hope this makes sense, let me know if you have any questions about it!
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Re: Auras
Post # 3
Through observation I have noticed that the characteristics of auras such as their color and intensity change based on the state of the person they eminate from. A person speaking with passion will have a brighter aura than they would under normal circumstances, and a person feeling lethargic or unhappy will be more likely to display a blue aura. That being said most people seem to have a dominent color and feeling, which can be recognized once you know them well. I think you could interpret knowing the color of your aura to mean knowing oneself. The Sensing energy does not need to be done solely with the eyes. You could also try focusing on a finger while trying to send energy through it if knowing the color of your aura at the moment is really important to you. These things take time, so don't be discouraged if it does not happen right away!
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