psychic empathy

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psychic empathy
Post # 1
My grandmother, may she rest in peace, was a medium. Someone who could hold spirits in her body. She died before I was born so I can't ask her. I inherited my psychic abilities from her and one of my psychic abilities is being an empath. Someone near me is sad constantly I can feel it but I don't know who it is. Is there a way I can find out who it is? Or what to do?
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Re: psychic empathy
Post # 2

Tricky subject to answer and may be hard to find the person. It depends on how many people are around you and you may need to obvious the people around you be mindful ask yourself questions. If someone walks into your home ask yourself if that my emotions I am feeling or there?

It's really the only way to answer that question the best. Some mediums whom are a little more experience can ask themselves and a picture of that person will appear in their mind. For now though, just focus on the people around you and be mindful of your own emotions. Ask yourself a lot of question like, was I feeling this sadness before is it mine, or is it there. Listen to your gut feeling when asking these questions to find the answer.

Afterwards you can cleanse yourself with white light or hold crystals in your pocket to protect you. You can also ask the person if they are alright.

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