Know a wand maker?

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Know a wand maker?
Post # 1
If you know a wand maker please post his/her name here and where he/she is.
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Re: Know a wand maker?
Post # 2
It is better if u made the wand cauz u are puting your energies to it and creating it decorating the way you want it.
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Re: Know a wand maker?
Post # 3
It's always better to make a tool. as Lunar said when you make it yourself, your putting your own energies into it. Alas some of us are not artistically inclined and for us poor souls, theres Ebay, where those who are artistic sell to those who aren't. I bought my wand there. a beautiful triple goddess wand for less than ten dollars. Alway cleanse and consecrate such a Magickal Item and DON'T pay extra for something thats been blessed by "a real witch". You don't want something thats attuned to another witch, you need to attune it to your self.
and you do this by cleansing it of all those energies of its maker then consecrating to your own energies.
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Re: Know a wand maker?
Post # 4
I make my own cause its better to make it your self. It gives more power to the owner if done by their own hand.
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