Sensing Spirits?

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Sensing Spirits?
Post # 1
Hi, I just have a small question
Is it possible for people to be born with the ability to see or sense spiritual presences when others can't see or sense them?
It's happened to me a few times in my School years and now it's happening to me more frequently. I keep hearing my name from voices I don't recognise or I feel someone watching me when no physical entity is near. Just wondering if it's possible or I'm just being crazy
May the stars guide you
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Re: Sensing Spirits?
Post # 2

I when young was able to both see and feel things.

I personally believe that some may naturally be more prone to sense things differently. One may hear spirits easier, one may see them or sense them.

These also can be developed, and can be a combination. For an example it is easier for me to see and feel energies, but at times I have also been able to hear them.

A local spirit in the woods gave me a title of a poem.

A spirit elsewhere, in a cemetery we were driving past- informed me it would accept cumin ( the spice).

Do I believe we can be born with these abilities? Honestly I feel it is more natural for younger individuals to be more open about these things.

I believe that it needs to continue to be practiced and developed to reach potential. And, I believe one area of this we may not entirely be very good with, say hearing, can be learned, developed and practiced. Even to the point where it becomes just as possible to hear spirits, as it is, for me, to see them.

Hope this helps.

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