Getting Rid of Anzu

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Getting Rid of Anzu
Post # 1
So, I’m looking for spell suggestions to get rid of Anzû. That’s the name I keep getting. When I toured my new apartment, I did not sense anything. But, the week I moved in, I was feeling vibrations dropping all over my city. My friends felt it too, and I believe this is whatever invited him in. At first I just noticed brown energy. I lit a blessing candle and things slightly improved but not really. He goes away with the blessing candle but will come back. Sage also has not worked. I don’t know how he is feeding. His energy went from brown to grey to black, and now I am starting to see apparitions. Feng shui somewhat worked because his energy went back to grey for about a day and a half. I do not know how he is feeding because I meditate on a regular basis to help work through my own issues.

While I am regularly visited by demons, this one does not go away whereas the others do if I just ignore them. Black candles really make him mad I’ve noticed. Something tells me to light 3, but I am wondering if there are any rituals I can pair them with that are specifically tailored to dealing with him? I have also noticed that he is predominantly active only at night.
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Re: Getting Rid of Anzu
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

Since you have said that doing banishings has made Anzu go away for a period of time but he then comes back, I must ask: Are you, once he is gone, creating wards to prevent his return? If you aren't then you are leaving the door open for him to return again. There is some information on creating wards at

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Re: Getting Rid of Anzu
Post # 3

Finding rituals specifically tailored to the entity in your home and how it behaves is close to impossible. It may be rarer to find another whom have dealt with this specific entity. You could write one.

Lark's advice is excellent. You may want to look into wards and other protections that can help keep the entity gone.

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Re: Getting Rid of Anzu
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Searching up the name Anzu does bear some fruit, as a Sumerian/Mesopotamian lesser god (monster). It may also have a Babylonian version as well. My information-seeking was brief... I'd not even refer to it as research really. But from what I could find Anzu began as a representation of the rains and storms that come in the planting seasons.

Violent, breathing water (rain) and fire (lightning) and appearing in the form of black bird shaped clouds (storm clouds) with a lion's head (the roar of thunder). Apparently carved depictions are of a lion-headed great bird. In the end these rains and storms, though violent and frightening, bring the waters that feed the crops and let them grow.

On a surface level, I would view Anzu's identity as one of ... cleansing upheaval. Causing fear and strife but in the wake, cleansing and watering the land to fuel new growth and fertility.

Given that, I think that Anzu's presence might be hard to remove because there is a purpose to it. Something about your life or your position spiritually might be due for a shake-up to knock loose the proverbial cobwebs. Or otherwise to present you a challenge to overcome and grow from. Sometimes, adversity is the best teacher after all.
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