Happy Super Buck Moon

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Happy Super Buck Moon
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1

This month's full moon is a supermoon, this means the moons orbit is currently as close to Earth as the moon becomes throughout the wheel of the year. It is also the Buck Moon which comes from the natural cycle of the deer and this is the month that the males finally have a full rack as their antlers have completely returned. During this occurrence, the moon's energy is magnified a bit more intensely. Remember the moon is reflecting the sun's rays back to Earth and it's physically closer to us. The moon's effects can be felt by all during most full moons and everyone feels this one more intensely too. Whether or not people believe in this stuff, this phenomena occurs. Since we are in summer, the time of the god or male energy makes this moon a very masculine moon and the full falling on a Wednesday, Odin's day, makes it an interesting male moon. The moon is a feminine goddess and the 13th is a number associated with woman as there are 13 moons during a calendar year and humanfemales have the same number of menstrual cycles in a year. Remember that both aspects of the divine are heavily represented during this current full moon. Be mindful of your thoughts and actions, cast with the strength of both male and female aspects of the divine if you utilize divinity within your practice. Even those who do not can still pull in the male and female energy associated with this moon to help fuel their castings.

Many Blessings,


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