
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Greetings
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Post # 1
Hi everyone. I'm in my mid-20s and spent the last decade or so in a an extremely conservative religious sect. I'm looking forward to expanding my understanding of what's out there, with a particular interest in divination and meditation.
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Re: Greetings
Post # 2
Hi! Welcome!
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Re: Greetings
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Indeed welcome! Hopefully the culture-shock won't be too alarming... though I suppose that depends on precisely how severely conservative your surroundings were, and how sheltered(blocked off) you were from broader ideas.

Best advice I can give is take your time, get your feet wet, and the only foolish question is that which goes un-asked. See new ideas, test new thoughts, ponder the results.

As it is said, discovery lies not in the seeking of new landscapes, but rather within having new eyes.
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