Just a dream or entity?

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Just a dream or entity?
Post # 1
Hi, I wanted to discuss an experience I had years ago but still resonates with me. I was younger and un experienced, attracted to occult stuff but not mature enough to do the right research. I stumbled upon a chant-prayer to the "Morning Star" (I know now what that is).
I chanted with intention a couple of times thinking about my wish. I never thought about it again and went to bed. The same night I had the most realistic nightmare I've ever had in almost 40 years. I was in a corridor, paralyzed, fluctuating in the air, and in front of me a very pale man, almost white, with ...pitch black eyes, like two black holes, empty. I couldn't move and he was raising his hands to keep me in that position. At the end of the corridor there were my parents, both on wheelchairs (they are fine), running towards me and saying "No!". I woke up. I have had my fair share of nightmares in my troubled life, but this one was so clear, so real, and I didn't struggle to remember it. It was just like I had experienced it for real. I might be wrong, probably, But I still wonder what a naive, younger woman can do wrong to cause maybe an interference of some sort. Or warning.

any thoughts? Thanks!
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Re: Just a dream or entity?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't work with Lucifer, so I can't say for certain if that was him, but it does sound plausible a deity came to you. [the way you describe him makes me wonder if it was actually Lucifer or another similar God since he's usually described as handsome, not incredibly pale with black eyes. Honestly, while he's never appeared like that before me, that sounds more like Hades] I don't think it was an omen of your parent's demise or the deity cursing you. It sounds more like showing you something you avoid because it upsets you. [though I am confused with the "on wheelchairs running towards me"] This could be either a fear of your parents growing old and dying [this is natural. They may be fine now, but one day they might need round-the-clock care, nobody knows how the ages process will affect us] Or, it could be a belief your parents hold over you that is holding you back in some way [don't practice witchcraft because it's evil for example]

Journaling would help as well as meditation. Be observant of your surroundings and see if you notice any reoccurring things [crows, dogs, the colour purple, the sound of a bell] these could be clues leading you to what deity you called to. You should also research Lucifer and other similar deities to see if any resonate with you. This could help narrow down your search.

Lucifer isn't evil, or scary, or cruel. He helps people work through things that scare them so overcome their fears and grow stronger.
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Re: Just a dream or entity?
Post # 3

I honestly doubt it was Lucifer because as Nekoshema said, he usually appears in a different manner. I would say it was either a manifestation of you being afraid or probably a spirit who was attracted byyour fear. I know when I was younger, due to my Christian upbringing, I attracted a lot of spirits who were not the best because I was scared of the stuff I was doing. That's why it's best to have protection on you when you start off practicing witchcraft. The spirit world and the physical world are connected and not separate as manytend to believe. Once you try to contact the spirit world you leave room for other spirits to come in. It's like opening a doorway. Some spirits like to act like higher-level entities, but in actuality, they are the scum and lower parts of the spirit world. But in your case, Iam not sure if a chant or prayer could open a passageway, but it could possibly happen. Like I said if you were scared after saying that prayer a spirit could feed off of that. I have had multiple times when I was paralyzed in bed in nightmares. I was stupid because I was playing with fire. I now know better. I don't really know what that entitywas. I am only giving information that I know about. But it sounded like a scary dream.

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Re: Just a dream or entity?
Post # 4
Thank you very much for your informative answer and insight. It was years ago but I don't recall noticing any recurrent sound like a bell, colors or particular events around me. But now I know what to look for just in case.
What you say about my parents being disabled in the dream might be true, after all I've always been apprehensive about them and felt like checking on them (I was living abroad at that time before going back to Italy).
I wasn't fearful while chanting, more like very naive, but being conscious and firm while meditating or casting a spell, without questioning or being intimidated by it, is something I have learned sometime later. This dream is still a bit of a brain scratch for me, but now it's getting clearer, thanks
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Re: Just a dream or entity?
Post # 5
Thank you very much for your reply, it helped. Yes, I believe we can attract a lot of unwanted stuff when our energies and heart are not in the right place. As if parasitic entities are willing to take advantage of that and step in.
Also, I wasn't very experienced and I was ignorant of protection rules and methods. It never happened again, I don't know to this day if it was a deity (I'll research Hades), but it somehow made me understand what not to do. thanks again
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Re: Just a dream or entity?
Post # 6
As someone who works with Lucifer I find he is a luminous or angelic presence, I do not think you summoned Lucifer but maybe opened a door that something else entered through, perhaps an unpleasant fairy of some kind.

I don't find Lucifer to be in anyway something malevolent, in fact I call forth Lucifer to bear witness to my spells and any interactions with other entities if I have another entity I am adding to a spell I wrote.
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