I need life advice

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I need life advice
Post # 1
I have very bad luck.
Althought i tried to avoid or prepare for it. Like lately i had late to school and my school don't like that ( my school is very strict) i even get up early but there's always something stopping me and i felt like bad luck are follow me. When i go out on the street i might be get wet by something, or my device broke for no reason, i got wound out of nowhere,.. and it's getting wort day by day.I know that life is always hard but i'm also trying a lot. Live as positively as possible, trying study hard everyday,learn to live better and froget bad thing. I know that may not be enough but trying without results for a long time make me tired and sometime lose mysel or jealous with people.If you have any advice I am willing to listen.Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story. Hope you have a nice day.
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