Banishing vs. binding

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Banishing vs. binding
Post # 1
Hi. I've been into the craft for as long as I can remember, but I've not had anyone to educate me or provide guidance until now. :) My husband has a horrible gambling addiction. He wants to quit so badly, but is unable to no matter how hard he tries. I've been addicted to drugs and I know that a person who doesn't want to quit, won't. I need to know if I could do a banishing spell to get rid of the addiction or if I should bind him from continuing to harm us by gambling? I really need this to work. I'm so tired of arguing & being essentially homeless & hungry because of this. He will not be participating in the spell work as he is Christian
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Re: Banishing vs. binding
Post # 2

That's the kind of situation which may seem simple from some perspectives, but it is so extremely complicated beneath the surface.

Addiction isn't always so straight forward, and what leads to one can be so many various factors. Binding the behavior, which may be an expression -- albeit a harmful or otherwise unhealthy one -- of an underlying issue means the expression of that issue might come through other channels, whether he even admits to himself what the cause is.

It's similar with trying to banish the addiction. Even if the spell works, it does not address the underlying issues. What is beneath the surface is much more effective of an answer. That is not the kind of thing which casting a spell on him can address. It will take his own determination to address the problem.

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