Magik circle

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Magik circle
Post # 1
Merry meet, one and all. I'm still new to the Craft but I have a question, I'm a little confused. I know that the circle is used to keep out negative energies and other sources of evil or negativity. But if I'm try to cleanse items within the circle, wouldn't it prevent any negativity from leaving the circle. Do I cleanse my items then cast the circle? Any thoughts or comments anyone can help me I'd greatly appreciate it. Blessed be
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Re: Magik circle
Post # 2

I think it matters to what works for you. A lot of witches cleanse stuff in their circle. But if you feel like you shouldn't maybe try not toor maybe try both to see what works for you. Another way to look at it is that some people like to view what is in their circle as abarrier betweenthe sacred and the mundane. So in this mindset everything inside your circle is sacred. :)

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Re: Magik circle
Post # 3

Try cleansing the ritual tools with the 4 elements. The magick circle helps keep the energy within and unwanted energy out.

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Re: Magik circle
Post # 4
Unless you happen to follow a tradition that says you cleanse the items inside the magick circle in which case that tradition would have it's own ritual to perform for this, then at least for me I cleanse everything before I cast a circle if I was going to use a circle. As in my case, I do a lot of spell work in my home, which has it's own defensive spells, so I don't need to use a magick circle to keep out "outside" energy as that's what my house's defensive spells are already doing. Let me know if that doesn't make sense.
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Re: Magik circle
By: / Novice
Post # 5
A magic circle isn't just for 'pushing away' or 'keeping things out'. They have several applications actually.

Mainly because building a circle isn't about making a wall or barrier. That's more of an... over-simplification. What you are doing as you build a circle, is you are creating a sacred space. A space that is yours for you to occupy and (if tempirarily) a space that you claim and take ownership of.

It is like building a house. You clean the space, draw the size of your property, and you alone then define what is allowed within it, and what it is to be used for. This means you can build it like a fort, to keep out an attack and keep you safe. It can also be a prison, to hold or incarcerate something you pull into it until you let it go/conclude your business with it. You can build a charging station, where the space can be connected to and filled with a specific energy or intent so you can charge yourself-or your tools- up with a specific goal. Or it can be an office, a space dedicated to the pursuit of your magical learning and 'career'. Or how about a board-room? You could dedicate the space to helping you be open to and in communication with your guides or deities you learn from.

In short, each circle you build serves whatever task you build it for. You are creating a space, and dedicating that space to a task or goal. Whatever that goal might be. It is a container. Fill it with what you want. ^_^
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