Removing negative things

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Removing negative things
Post # 1
Hi, I am in search of some answers. My ex-wife and I are separated, but I want to help her out. We had too many issues and fights. I think she's possessed or is under some really strong stuff. The thing is her family has a lot of enemies who are doing things to them. I know her Uncle is doing things to her that control her obsessions and what she likes. I'm sure other people are targeting her as well. She comes across are very narcissistic as well and has multiple personalities all ranging from being a sweet innocent kid to being a very manipulative cunning person. I would like to help her get relief from whatever negative influences are in her way if possible and to protect her going forward. She's not nearby either and lives in a separate country. What are things I can do? Thanks
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Re: Removing negative things
Post # 2
Doesn't really sound like possession, but she is certainly under a lot of pressure that is making her like this. I would suggest doing some spells that promote positive energies. Schedule a time and place for you two to meet. Arrive early so you can do a protection spell.
When she arrives, do a cleansing spell. You don't really need anything for them, just imagine a bright light washing away all the evil stuff.
Keep doing this until you see results.
If this doesn't work, sorry. I'm kind of a baby witch, but this just seems like the most logical way. But not only should you use magick, you should comfort her, talk to her often, try to convince her to go to therapy (but if she doesn't want to don't push it! It could ruin everything you've worked towards!), and just honestly try to make her a better, happier person.
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